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    - Smoke Depot will exchange any defective disposable within SAME DAY of purchase.

    - Smoke Depot has the right to check the SERIAL NUMBER to prove the product was bought from Smoke Depot.

    - Smoke Depot has the right to examine the product to verify if "it was used" or it has been tampered with and that the issue described can be replicated.

    - Defective products need to be returned ALONG WITH ORIGINAL PACKAGING and RECEIPT, otherwise any credit/exchange WILL BE REVOKED.

Smoke Depot & Vape Lounge

DREW ESTATE Undercrown 10 [Todos Dekk'd Out]

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Drew Estate está conmemorando diez años de Undercrown con el lanzamiento mundial de Undercrown 10, una nueva y audaz adición ultra premium a la línea premium actual de Undercrown de expresiones Maduro, Shade y Sun Grown.

Para celebrar el aniversario de la marca en 2021, Drew Estate está recibiendo "All Dekked Out", un eslogan que denota el elegante empaque de Undercrown 10 y refuerza el orgullo de los diez años de excelencia de Undercrown. El nuevo y sofisticado empaque solo es superado por la mezcla compleja, rica y audaz de Undercrown 10 de tabacos añejos ultrapremium que incluye la más alta imprimación de la capa oscura mexicana de San Andrés, el capote de hoja ancha más fino del valle del río Connecticut y una mezcla de tripa de selectos y raros tabacos nicaragüenses.

"Undercrown 10 ofrece a los fumadores una experiencia de chocolate caliente mexicano... naturalmente dulce con toques de pasas y cacao... oleadas de pimienta negra intensa... junto con notas de cerezas secadas al sol, espresso, madera y terrenal", dice La Gran Fabrica Drew Estate Factory. Portavoz, Pedro Gómez.

Toro (6x52)

Envoltorio: San Andrés Mexicano
Origen: Nicaragüense
Carpeta: Connecticut
Relleno: nicaragüense
Fuerza: Medio a Negrita



- Smoke Depot will exchange any defective disposable within SAME DAY of purchase.

- Smoke Depot has the right to check the SERIAL NUMBER to prove the product was bought from Smoke Depot.

- Smoke Depot has the right to examine the product to verify if "it was used" or it has been tampered with and that the issue described can be replicated.

- Defective products need to be returned ALONG WITH ORIGINAL PACKAGING and RECEIPT, otherwise any credit/exchange WILL BE REVOKED.