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    - Smoke Depot will exchange any defective disposable within SAME DAY of purchase.

    - Smoke Depot has the right to check the SERIAL NUMBER to prove the product was bought from Smoke Depot.

    - Smoke Depot has the right to examine the product to verify if "it was used" or it has been tampered with and that the issue described can be replicated.

    - Defective products need to be returned ALONG WITH ORIGINAL PACKAGING and RECEIPT, otherwise any credit/exchange WILL BE REVOKED.

Smoke Depot & Vape Lounge

Tanque de vaina VOOPOO PnP-X

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Echa un vistazo al tanque VOOPOO PnP-X, con una capacidad de 5 ml, compatibilidad con bobinas VOOPOO PnP y una base de control de flujo de aire inferior con ranura doble. Construido con acero inoxidable duradero y plástico PCTG, el tanque PnP-X puede contener hasta 5 ml de eJuice o sales de nicotina, recargables a través de un sistema de llenado superior oculto. Implementado para evitar que adolescentes y niños accedan al tanque, el tanque PnP-X es compatible con todas las bobinas PnP, incluida la RBA.


  • Capacidad de cápsula PnP-X de 5 ml
  • Sistema innovador de llenado superior
  • Serie de bobinas VOOPOO PnP
  • Bobina PnP-VM1 de 0,3 ohmios
  • Bobina de 0.2ohm PnP-VM5
  • Instalación de la bobina de ajuste a presión
  • Tanque PnP-X compatible
  • Conexión de vaina magnética
  • Base de control de flujo de aire inferior con doble ranura
  • Conexión roscada 510


  • 1 cartucho de cápsula PnP-X
  • 1 punta de goteo PnP-X MTL
  • 1 base PnP-X
  • 1 bobina PnP-TM2 de 0,8 ohmios
  • 1 bobina PnP-VM6 de 0,15 ohmios



- Smoke Depot will exchange any defective disposable within SAME DAY of purchase.

- Smoke Depot has the right to check the SERIAL NUMBER to prove the product was bought from Smoke Depot.

- Smoke Depot has the right to examine the product to verify if "it was used" or it has been tampered with and that the issue described can be replicated.

- Defective products need to be returned ALONG WITH ORIGINAL PACKAGING and RECEIPT, otherwise any credit/exchange WILL BE REVOKED.